Why Email Accounts Are One Of The Bigger Security Risks

Protecting confidential information is essential to every business but is especially important to those that conduct a large amount of their business online. While emails are helpful for communication, did you know that email accounts come with higher security risks?

Similar to many forms of network security, email security is just one part of a complete cybersecurity architecture. However, many business companies tend to overlook the importance of email security until it’s too late – resisting additional email protection until after a security incident occurs due to an email-related issue.

To know more, read why email accounts are one of the bigger security risks.

Why is email security important?

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Email security is necessary because of the rising case of online threats like social interventions which aim to attack organizations through email. For instance, phishing emails can trick users into giving up vital information, downloading malware that can infect your network, or approving fake invoices.

By bargaining one employee’s email account, attackers can send phishing emails to all the person’s contacts – appearing as the hacked email account’s owner to earn trust and spread the attack.

Several security threats that could endanger an organization’s email accounts or email users can be prevented by using basic email protection. So, it’s essential to utilize some email security measures.

Top email threats

laptop-screen-showing-email-inboxPhoto by Justin Morgan on Unsplash

It’s essential to know what the biggest threats are to protect your business against email security threats. So, here are some of the most common dangerous threats to an organisation’s email security.

  • Phishing attacks
    Did you know that there are at least 3.3 billion fraudulent emails sent out every day because of the phishing scam in the industry? This email threat is becoming increasingly sophisticated, leading to new types of attacks that are better at tricking people.
  • Spear phishing attacks
    Spear phishing attacks are highly customised and targeted to a specific individual or organisation. This type of threat often mimics the tone and style of an organisation’s official communications, incorporates copies of the organisation’s letterhead and logo, and uses an email domain similar to the one the organisation uses.
  • Weak email passwords
    One of the ways that attackers may attempt to hack email accounts is by simply figuring out the email password. Email accounts with very weak or straightforward passwords can easily be guessed and hacked without knowing that their email is being used to send out phishing attack emails from a legitimate company address.
  • Malicious download links
    Several phishing attack emails include attachments or links that contain malware. The specific effects of the attached malware vary depending on the type of malware that is downloaded. Concurrently, other malware programs may stay on the device, collect sensitive information, and transmit the data to an offsite server for the cybercriminal to collect later.

How do we increase email security?

phone-passwordPhoto by Yura Fresh on Unsplash

One of the main issues with email security is many businesses assume that basic email protections that come with a given email client are enough.

While email assistance providers try to protect their users from phishing plans and other malware attacks that risk their email clients, attackers study these security measures and find ways around them. Here are some basic ways to increase email security:

  • Use antivirus software
    Using antivirus programs to monitor email attachments before downloading them or opening them is one of the basic precautions when handling email security. This software helps spot malicious software and contain it before it can cause harm.
  • Create Security Education Training and Awareness (SETA)
    SETA programs help give your employees the basic cybersecurity information they will need to recognize phishing attempts. This program also helps reinforce the importance of following security procedures to increase security in general.
  • Enforce basic password requirements
    Weak passwords are one of the significant sources of hacked mail accounts, so enforcing basic password rules can help in preventing email account hacking.
  • Preview shortened URLs before opening them
    Malicious download links often employ shortened URLs to help disguise the nature of the link – showing something like bit.ly instead of other fishy URLs.


Emails are widely used and sent over untrusted networks outside the organisation’s security boundary. When these messages lack proper security protection, they are like small notes that anyone can read, copy or modify the details, and send. Securing an email system is essential in business, whether you are a startup company or not.

With that said, if you need help with business email hosting, we’re here to help you! Here at CLDY, we provide secure and affordable email hosting starting from just $10 a month to ensure life-long security. Feel free to contact our team at [email protected] to know more about our services.

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