Why Perfect Grammar & Spelling Makes Your Website & Business Look Good

A website or a blog might be made more attractive and consumable to your audience using images, but it’s the text that drives the world. 

Text is what communicates your business and the heart of what you aim to do for your target market to your audience. Text is what compels your readers to learn more about your company and what it can do for them. Text is what illustrates what you do best. 

Text is also what search engines use to determine whether your website is “upworthy.” 

But before we get to search engine optimization plugins, we first have to establish a firm foundation: a very slick, polished, perfect piece of content. 

Perfect spelling and grammar are key to maintaining professional, search engine-friendly websites. 

person-using-silver-macbook-pro-grammarPhoto by cottonbro via Pexels

Why Are Perfect Spelling And Grammar Crucial?

A website is your online business card. Polished spelling and grammar project an air of professionalism and competence, and it makes communication clearer. Without the proper use of the English language, a website comes across as sloppy, and the website owners give the impression that they couldn’t care less about how they come across. 

And when they couldn’t care less about their marketing and communications, it might translate to how they couldn’t care less about their products and services. 

Aside from creating the right impression, polished communications also ensure that terms and conditions for products and services are clearer. 

A website visitor would easily and clearly learn what products and services they can obtain from the company, and they would also learn the limitations of the scope of service. This would actually help the company avoid lawsuits in the future if worse comes to worst. 

It is also worth noting that spelling and grammatical mistakes may distract a website’s audience. Instead of focusing on the excellent and cool stuff the business has to offer, they’d be more focused on nitpicking content errors. That, in turn, might cause the audience to comment on these errors on social media. Should these comments turn viral, that could become a reputation management problem for the company. 

Internet users are literate. Most of them know good grammar and can spot spelling errors when they see them. Thus, for a company to come across as competitive, professional, and excellent, taking care to create top-quality, grammar-vetted content is key. 

photo-of-man-using-computerPhoto by Vlada Karpovich via Pexels

Spelling And Grammar “Perfection” And What It Means For SEO

Google is the Platinum Standard for ranking websites and pushing them onto audiences who are looking for certain things. One of the things that matter to Google is QUALITY CONTENT. 

Quality Content can be determined not only by the authenticity of the products, services, and stories behind them, as communicated via website content and blogs but also by how these stories are presented. And the “how” includes excellent spelling and grammar. 

As Google is powered by spiders and bots that crawl websites, these are machine-learning algorithms backed by databases upon databases of linguistic syntax and semantics. These bots and spiders know perfect grammar and spelling when they crawl across these, and they shoot down the grossly erroneous because they’re also programmed to shoot down the gibberish. 

The end result is that these bots and spiders end up curating only the best to show at the top of the search results. 

So if you want to produce websites that end up at the top of the search results, create only top-quality content, spun with only the most polished spelling and grammar for your words and overall composition.

Now We Know Perfection Is Important In Grammar And Spelling. What Now?

As we have learned by now, grammar and spelling are crucial in creating top-quality, upworthy, Google-vetted content and websites. 

What do we do now? 

First is to make sure that whoever creates verbal content for your website knows how to create compelling content. 

Second is to make sure that whoever that person is, they are also aware of these rules. 

Third is to ensure that that person is equipped with the right tools to create top-quality, excellently-written content. 

person-sitting-while-using-laptopPhoto by Agefis on Unsplash

What Are These Tools To Create Grammar And Spelling Perfection? 

Fortunately, from Microsoft Word to Google Docs, your browser, grammar and spell checkers are already available. You don’t need to type very far and just as soon as you make a word-related blunder, those jarring red squiggly lines jump right out at you. 

These spelling and grammar checkers are already adequate for daily use. But if you want to sharpen your content game, it would be a great idea to use more comprehensive, sharper tools. 

Grammarly. The industry standard is Grammarly. AI-powered, this tool makes for better writers because not only does it do grammar and spell checks, but it also corrects punctuation. For those who are in dire need of help in style and tone, Grammarly Premium fine-tunes the content for these aspects, as well. It comes with a browser extension, which allows you to do spelling and grammar checks as you write on Google Docs or WordPress.

Ginger. Ginger’s strength is in checking irregular verbs and adverbs, ensuring compliance with common English grammar rules, and even confusing wordings. As with Grammarly, a Google Chrome plugin or extension is also available, allowing you to do spell and grammar checks on the fly. 

Jetpack. Jetpack is super versatile, with features like security enhancements, SEO and analytics, and it even aids in importing content from Google Docs. It also has a grammar and spell checker that you can install for use right within WordPress. So if you or your content guy or gal is the type who writes right from WordPress, this is the perfect solution. 

Hemingway App. Hemingway was the king of brevity, conciseness, and clarity, and this app ensures that your work is going to be clear, concise, and tight. It shows you when sentences are too complex and lengthy, as well as when grammatical errors are present. It alerts you when your content is too long, meandering, and rambling. It shows you when you’re using too many adverbs, and when you use the passive voice. Using the passive voice tends to create awkward sentences, and it might give off the effect that your work is flat and interesting. Hemingway App shows you how to correct that and sharpen your prose. Lastly, it shows you the readability of your piece. This way, you will be able to check whether your audience can actually easily consume your content. 

laptop-near-white-open-notebookPhoto by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Ready To Create Content And Marketing Perfection?

Marketing is what drives a business. An excellent product’s “beauty” and usability will be obscured when the marketing that surrounds it is sloppy. We’ve established that the firm foundation of your marketing efforts rests in polished content, and polished content rests in perfect grammar and spelling. 

Now that you know, and now that you know the right tools to create content and marketing perfection, you’re ready to make your website and blog content fly!

Now That You Have A Firm Content Foundation, Where Do You Host All That?

You know you need to create compelling content founded on perfect grammar and spelling. You know the tools to achieve that. But where do you host your perfectly-vetted pieces? 

You host those pieces on a server that has Speed, Stability, Security, Simplicity, and Support in mind. 

CLDY servers are fully optimized for a website owner to be able to install WordPress websites in a speedy jiffy, in such a simple manner, and it’s hosted on servers that are stable and secure. And we at CLDY make sure that you are provided top-notch, Global-standard Support the whole way. From Day 1 to 1279, to 15799, we’ll be making sure that your upworthy websites are running smoothly and with little to zero downtime. 

We’re here to help you get your perfectly-curated, perfectly-vetted content out there so that your business’ name will be out there, too.

Host with CLDY today!

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