Corporate Healthcare Providers In Singapore: Our Top 3 List

Corporate healthcare in Singapore has grown and developed over time, with the introduction of many different services and benefits such as diabetic screening, hepatitis screening, and women’s screening packages to name a few.

There are many reasons why corporate health insurance providers in Singapore are increasing in popularity such as convenience, quality, and cost-effectiveness amongst others. In this post, we present to you our list of the best corporate healthcare providers and why they are one of the best choices.

1. Integrated Health Plans Pte Ltd (IHP)



Benefits and services provided: Access to more than 1000 clinics, Consultation & treatment, Pre-employment screening, Executive health screening, Chronic disease management, LOG issuance, Flexi-Benefit management, and more

The cost of employee health is high, but if an enterprise can get employees to maintain their physical well-being and condition, the savings can be tremendous. Aside from the full-range employee healthcare benefits that IHP healthcare plans can provide, they also have special rates and rewards for wellness privileges.

Within only 2 weeks of signup, you and your team can have managed healthcare services and access to various corporate healthcare services such as health screenings and risk assessments, along with quality healthcare programmes that involve workshops and coaching sessions to make sure that mental wellness is also taken care of.

corporate-healthcare-people-meditateImage was taken from the IHP site

2. National University Health System



Benefits and services provided: Essential Package (Medical Health Assessment, Comprehensive Physical Examination, Obesity Screening, Personalised Medical Report, Medical Review by Doctor), Anaemic Screening, Hypertension Screening, Women’s Screening Package and more

Corporate healthcare needs vary by industry and location, so it is important to make your insurance plan as flexible as possible. The National University Health System (NUHS) has partnered with JurongHealth Campus to offer a range of evidence-based core health screening packages designed to suit different corporate needs and improve overall workplace health.

This way, you can be a better boss or manager by providing convenient options for your employee’s medical screening processes. Along with the essentials, they also offer add-on health screening packages such as thyroid screening. Hepatitis A and B screening, including a complete medical health assessment ensure that everyone is in tip-top shape.

3. Raffles Medical Group



Benefits and services provided: Healthcare Cost Management, Corporate Health Insurance, Occupational Health and Safety, Corporate Wellness Programs, and more

Because the corporate healthcare plans of Raffles Medical Group are patient-focused, they are able to adapt to the ever-changing needs of their corporate clients with an effective and comprehensive package to fit the needs of your employee health benefits.

Wellness programs are now a necessity to achieve a competitive edge in today’s business world. That is why Raffles Medical Group also caters to corporate wellness programs that improve overall productivity growth for you and your team.


Reap the benefits of choosing one of these providers and you will find a better corporate healthcare option for your employees. Their health plan designs will surely provide a more efficient and expedited claims process, along with wellness programs that not only improve physical and mental well-being but can also boost your office dynamic and productivity.

If you haven’t thought of using a corporate healthcare provider before, we certainly encourage you to give it a shot.

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