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Updated on July 7, 2022

How to Restore Website Files using JetBackup?


cPanel uses JetBackup to help you recover your website data, in cases of website malfunction or file loss. It’s a fail-safe measure to keep you from building your website from scratch in such scenarios. Learn how to restore your website using JetBackup by following these steps:


  1. From your cPanel homepage, click on JetBackup 5 under Files.

  2. You will be directed to the JetBackup 5 page. Click on the round icon for Restore & Download.

  3. In this window, you will select which items to restore.

    All items will be listed initially. Click on Remove items on each one that you will not be restoring. For this example, we will be restoring only Databases.

    Click on Restore Selected Items.

    A quick prompt will show up once your restored items are queued.

  4. To check the status of the restore request, click on the clock icon for Queue.

    You will see that the restore request is already completed.

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