What is an email hosting service?

Email hosting will give your email accounts a professional look and keep your business emails under one roof.

What does email hosting mean?

Email hosting is a service that allows you to store your email messages in a convenient, secure location. The server hosts the files and sends them to your inbox or outbox on request.

Email hosting can be used by businesses and individuals alike. It’s especially helpful for those who use email as part of their business workflow.

Email hosting services take care of everything from the security and maintenance to the storage limits.

Why should I get email hosting?

You might be thinking, "Why would I want someone else to manage my emails?" Well, there are several reasons why it's worth the money:

Brand Promotion and Awareness

If you have a company website, it's good practice to have an email address with the same domain name as your site, so it looks more professional and helps build brand recognition. This is not just a matter of vanity — it helps build trust in your clients.

Data Privacy and Security

It's more secure than the common email platforms because there are no third parties involved in routing messages between accounts. Spam protection, malware protection, and anti-virus software are essential features of any email hosting plan.

Reliable Email Hosting Servers

Having an email hosting account ensures that you keep your email server online, allowing users to connect to it and send their emails. Having a dependable and trustworthy email hosting account protects your business from any data and possible financial losses.

How to setup email hosting?

Whether you're new to email or have been using your current provider for years, we'll guide you through the steps of signing up for an email hosting plan.

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Choose your email hosting plan.

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Confirm the availability of your email domain (e.g., if you want "[email protected]" to be the domain name for your email address, enter "yourcompany.com").

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If you have confirmed that it’s available, proceed in checking out! If you already have an existing email hosting provider and wish to transfer, contact our team at [email protected] and we can lend a hand in the migration of your emails to our email hosting servers for free.

How does email hosting work?

Email hosts have servers and databases where all your emails are stored. When you send an email to someone, the server will receive it, filter it through its filters (which can be customised for each client), and then send it back to them in the form of an attachment. The person who receives it will open it up and read it regardless of what message was sent from your account—and then respond by sending back another attachment with their response (which gets stored in the same database).

What is the cheapest email hosting?

Our secure email hosting plans start at S$5/month for the basic packages:

Cloud Mail

Optimised Email Hosting


Cloud Business Mail

Performance Email Hosting


Get an easy-to-remember, personalised email address to promote your brand identity

With email hosting, instead of using complicated email addresses, you can use something a lot simpler like [email protected] or [email protected].

So, which email hosting is best for your business?


What is Email Hosting FAQs

What is a hosted email account?

A hosted email account is a type of email service provider (ESP) that provides access to email accounts through the internet. Hosted accounts are typically managed by the ESP, which is responsible for maintaining and updating the email accounts’ settings, including usernames and passwords.


Hosted email accounts have several advantages over traditional email services:

  • You can access your email from anywhere in the world at any time
  • You can use multiple devices, such as computers and mobile devices
  • Your data is stored securely on a server owned by the email hosting provider
  • The email hosting provider provides technical support for you and your email account
Do I need email hosting?

Email hosting helps you keep track of what’s happening at all times—whether it’s keeping an eye on trends in customer behaviour or tracking down information about new products or services—allowing you to stay ahead of the game while still being able to respond quickly when necessary.


Email hosting can help you with your business in many ways:

  • Send as many emails as you want to your database, such as marketing campaigns and product updates
  • Have an easy way to manage your email inbox and contacts, and control who has access to your email accounts
  • You should be able to send emails from any location with an internet connection
What is business email hosting?

Business email hosting is a type of web hosting service that offers you the ability to host your site on a server, or similar device, located in a data centre.


The difference between business email hosting and basic email hosting is that with business email hosting, you have access to more features than just standard features like sending an email. Business email hosting is also usually more expensive because it’s meant for larger companies that have high-volume needs.

What is email hosting in Office 365?

Email hosting in Office 365 is the process by which you host your emails in the cloud. It’s a great way to get the most out of your email service and make sure that you can access all of your emails regardless of where you are.


The way it works is simple. You create an email account with Office 365, and then use that account to send and receive emails from other people or services. Your emails are stored on Office 365 servers, so they’re always accessible anywhere and at any time.

Know more about the Microsoft Office 365 email hosting services we offer!

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